Emirates Red Crescent Shipment to Lebanon

The Emirates Red Crescent, from its warehouses in the International Humanitarian City in #Dubai, announced the dispatch of 2,000 tons of food items via sea to #Lebanon.

A joint visit at IHC warehouse compound in Dubai, to witness the load of containers having final destination Beirut, was attended by H.E. Fouad Chehab Dandan Ambassador of Lebanon to the UAE, officials from Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) including Mr Rashid Al Mansouri Deputy chairman of local affairs at ERC and Mr Mohammed Al Zarouni Director of ERC in Dubai, members of the Lebanese community and volunteers in UAE together with a group of Emirati volunteers. All were welcomed by IHC CEO Mr Giuseppe Saba, Deputy CEO Mr Khalid Al Awadhi and Head of logistics Ms Bouran Najim Suleiman. CEO Mr Saba, expressed to the Ambassador the condolences of IHC community for the losses caused by the recent blast in Beirut and the willingness of the Humanitarian community to continue to assist the Lebanese population affected by such disaster.